"I'm Hungry"

 "Papa, I am a little bit hungry."
"Papa, can you please get me something to eat?"

My heart was thankful that we have food in our cupboards and in our refrigerator.
My heart hurt for parents who hear their children asking that same question,
all over the world,
and have to answer,
 "I  do not have anything to give you."
It happens every day.
Then my mind went to those who are crying out as their spirits starve.
There is no one sharing the Bread of Life with them.
This is what makes seeing my children go to Siberia a wonderful blessing-
 the Nenets need the Bread of Life.
If you knew someone in your circle of influence was hungry
and had no food
and no way to get any,
I have no doubt that you would share what you have
to ease the pain of their hunger.
Are there people in your circle of influence starving spiritually?
Are you sharing the Bread of Life with them?


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