when God sends beach strangers to meet a need

Sarah and the girls are sleeping in this morning so I have been on the balcony by myself for the last hour and a half. I have watched a couple that are my age at the ocean side pool, chat, flirt and tan. I have watched families walk to the beach. As I sat observing, I began to be overwhelmed by the longing to have someone beside me to hold my hand. Something that simple, at times, is something I miss deeply. 

I prayed, asking God to make me aware of His presence and to help me be content in Him and in what He provides.

Movement at the shore caught my eye. Two people were helping a third. At first I thought she had fallen and they were helping her up. Slowly I realized they were simply helping her walk safely out of the water. I surmised it was a grandmother, daughter, two grandsons and granddaughter. I could not take my eyes off of them as they progressed toward the boardwalk next door. 

The daughter held her mother's hand all the way across the sand. The young man who had helped her out of the water headed to the opposite boardwalk, leaving a young man carrying a pool noodle to escort the three women. The daughter let go of her mother's hand and grandmother walked the length of the boardwalk without help, but not without support. Her family surrounded her. The grandson used the hose at the end of the wooden platform to wash the sand off of his lower legs and feet. I watched as he patiently waited for the women in his life to reach him and watched as he gently did the same for his grandmother, mother and sister. As they were leaving he looked up at me, smiled, raised his tattooed arm and waved. 
I cried.
I wanted to yell down "you have a beautiful family"
but I remained silent.
I wasn't sure I could talk.
And I am not sure they weren't angels.

 Thirty minutes later, as I write this, tears linger still.

As I sit reflecting on what I witnessed, faces of people in my life, those related by DNA and those I am kin to because of the blood of Jesus, pass through my mind. I am keenly aware of the family God has placed around me who hold my hand when I need it, walk beside me always, and let me do for myself when I am able.
If you don't limit God,
if you are open to allowing Him to speak and provide in whatever way He chooses, you will be surprised at the incredible ways He meets your needs.
My heart and hands are full.



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