Dolphin Tales

Our first morning here Korah and Willow saw dolphins early in the morning. 
Sarah and I saw some a little later. 
They are not easy to spot. 

This is what I see when I look out most of the time.
Lots of sand and water.

Sarah seems to have a gift for spotting their dorsal fin.
Even from our balcony she can see them.
 This is what she sees and helps me experience as well.
Almost every day we have been privileged to see dolphins.
Sometimes close to shore, sometimes farther out.
Sometimes only one or two, sometimes two different groups of two, a couple of times we saw as many as six or eight.
Swimming in a straight(ish) line, or in circles, they have been fun to watch.

We received a gift this morning, our last day. Two or three groups of dolphins hung around in the vicinity of our condo for about 45 minutes. As we enjoyed them from the balcony we revisited a conversation from earlier this week about how they band together to protect one another and how that relates to our lives. We may think we are swimming alone, but all we have to do is send out out an alert and our "pod" will come to where we are and surround us.

I was convinced this morning's dolphin show was one of the best gifts of the week.

But God...

Sarah and I were on the beach this evening, taking advantage of our last opportunity to sift through the soft white sand for treasures. 
Two boys and a man were fishing along the shoreline in front of us. 
The man caught a fish that was identified as a sharksucker.
None of us had ever heard of one, let alone seen one.

A few minutes later we heard  them say "dolphin". 
We looked up and not even I could miss seeing it.
So cool to be so close.

Sarah got her phone so she could snap a picture. 
She started videotaping.
(Earlier this week she got several videos from our balcony of them playing.)

Just look at what she caught.
Thank you God for this gift!



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