Happy 60th Birthday to me...

not so long ago 60 sounded old
I have changed my mind about that,
especially since I woke this morning to being that age

Bill was born 5 years before me
and when he would tease me about my age I would smugly respond with:
"I will never be as old as you are."
60 was the last birthday he celebrated
I was never supposed to "catch up" 
it feels surreal that by fall I will be older than him

I was feeling unsure this morning:
wondering if my day would be consumed by memories 
so I prayed
concerned I would be distracted by expectations
so I prayed
I wanted to end the day thankful 
so I prayed

and God has lavishly poured out His love on me through people:
phone calls
visits extended 
surprise visits

my day has been filled:
with family and friends
with much love,
with being celebrated 
with being spoiled

if today is any indication of what the year ahead holds, 
it is going to be a great year
I look forward to falling more in love with Jesus
and walking more closely to Him,
alongside those He chooses to bring into my life

memories filled the day
some that are old ones for me 
are new ones for my kids
some of the memories we share 
were revisited and cherished
and we made new ones to add to the storehouse 

I had a Happy Birthday
I have a heart full of thankfulness
I am overwhelmed by the beauty of my life

part of those who made my birthday special


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