Surprise is one word I do not like to hear when directed toward me.

I like to think I am flexible and can easily "go with the flow",
but when I hear "Surprise" I get very uncomfortable.
Historically hearing "SURPRISE" means I am the center of attention.
I am not a fan.

Last Friday my husband asked me what I was thinking about.
At the time I was thinking about my best friend Marie, and how I was missing her.
"About that," he said, "we are going to see her next Friday. Surprise!"

I was torn.

I was excited.
I have been missing Marie and wanted to see her.

I was frustrated.
  1. I am the KCU Women's Soccer "Team Mom" and we had two games this weekend.
  2. Combine a) the desire to be responsible; b) the games this weekend were against the only two teams in our region ; and c) we had no soccer games the weekend before or the weekend after this trip.
I was ready to pout.

I decided to pray.

God brought to mind Matthew 7:12
“In everything, therefore, treat people the same way you want them to treat you, for this is the Law and the Prophets."

I know that if I was surprising Bill there are several things I would want.
  1. I would want him to be glad I cared enough to plan a weekend away.
  2. I would want him to trust me that there was a reason for the timing and place I chose.
  3. I would want him to be excited.
So, to live in obedience to the teaching I have received, I had to make those things my reactions/attitude toward the surprise he had for me.

Saturday morning I could feel God making a difference in my attitude.
I began to be excited.
My excitement grew each day.

We left for Danville, Ohio after Bill got off work Thursday.
We stopped in Portsmouth for dinner.
We stopped in Johnstown for a frappe.

We got to Thom and Marie's and they met us on the porch with huge smiles and hugs of welcome.
I got the perennials I dug up Wednesday out of the car so they wouldn't wilt.
As we walked into the house I noticed that the door to the sitting room was closed.
I thought, "that's odd, Marie doesn't shut doors between rooms."
As she opened the door to the sitting room I heard,
Andrew, who is currently living in Evansville Indiana, stood in front of me.
Sarah, who lives in Hudson Illinois, stood to one side with Willow in her arms.
Beth, who lives in Cincinnati Ohio, stood to the other side with Cristian in her arms.
Mike, Korah Lily, Noell, and Chloe were in the room also, (Addy and Kaelyn were sleeping).
Ruth and Kyle came Friday afternoon.
Saturday evening Jonathan, Jess and Addi came for a couple of hours.

My sweet husband, children and best friend have been planning this surprise since July.
In the midst of the desert this summer was for me, and as we have talked it appears several of us were in a desert place this summer, they were planning this Oasis.

I am thankful that I chose to obey what the Lord has been teaching me.
It sure made this week and  "SURPRISE" more fun!


  1. Aww momma d that is just so precious love him for loving u so much to surprise u and all the kids for making time for there mommy God is good


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