wondering and wandering

Tuesday KCU Chapel focused on four words.

We are all in one of these four places.

Different Biblical examples were given as illustrations.

One was Moses.
When explaining his "Broken" time the word "wondering"  was on the screen.
I cringed at the spelling error, because obviously since they were talking about his 40 year desert experience it should have been wandering, not wondering.

Yet, I have been asking myself-
as he wandered, did Moses wonder?

Did Moses wonder if he had heard God correctly?
Did Moses wonder how the Israelites could:
forget the miraculous ways God delivered them from Egypt?
ask to be taken back to Egypt?
forget what it was like to live in Egypt?
complain about food?
make an idol?

Did Moses wonder if the wandering was ever going to come to an end?

I have been in some desert places.
As I have wandered, I have wondered.
Did I hear God correctly?
How can people not see the miraculous ways God works?
Why do Christians sometimes act like their life before Christ was better than life in Christ?
Why do I sometimes forget the ways God has worked in my life?
What is better than accepting the ways God chooses to provide?
Have I allowed anything to become an idol?

There are some things I never wonder about though,
because God, in His kind and patient ways has taught me:
He loves me
He is always with me
I am His child
life is worth living because I am His
be thankful for the oasis'
there will be an end to the desert time
there will be an end to the wandering
there will be an end to wondering what life without deserts and wandering is.


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