"That Day" March 19, 2013

Today, March 19, 2014
I am pondering anew how life is intertwined:
   our past affects our present
          and our future
      yet it doesn't define us
   our choices impact not only our lives,
          but the lives of those we interact with-
        purposely and "on accident"
  which has an impact on the lives of people they interact with
        and so it goes,
           on and on.

"That Day" March 19, 2013 is a day I won't forget.
It was beautiful, warm and sunny.
Spring had arrived.
At 2:45 pm I left Grayson with a plan.
Itinerary: Lowe's, Wal Mart, Sam's Club
Goal: Quick Trip
Purpose: Prepare for family invasion, er, I mean visit.

At 3:20ish I was stopped by the red light.
As I waited for my protected left turn arrow to turn, I was thinking about where the items I needed were situated in Lowe's so I could get in and out quickly.

I had already mapped out strategies for Wal Mart and Sam's Club.

I did not want to waste any time-Deborah, Abigail and Selah were at home. I had considered asking them to join me but changed my mind -they were returning to Siberia soon, the girls hadn't been feeling well and the last thing they needed was to be drug through three stores.

I noticed that oncoming traffic had stopped in the far left lane.
I looked, my protected left turn arrow was green.
I began my turn.

That is the last thing I remember until there were two women at my door asking me if I was okay.
I told them "No, my wrist hurts-my chest hurts- my ankle hurts".

I reached for my cell phone to call Bill.
He didn't answer, so I called Deborah.
I told her I had been in an accident.

I was thankful she and the girls were not with me.
I was thankful I was in Jonathan's van and not our small car.
I was wondering if I could drive myself to the hospital.
I hoped the driver of the other vehicle wasn't hurt.
I wondered if I had caused the accident.

Long story short, a car salesman had two potential buyers in the car he was driving.
He was distracted, telling them something about the new vehicle, and he ran the red light.

I remember that I heard the sickening thud, felt the crushing impact and the van spinning out of my control but I never saw the other vehicle coming. It wasn't until after the fact, when people were going back and forth checking on those of us involved that I saw what had hit me.

When I found out there were passengers in the other vehicle I prayed that they were ok.
I prayed that the salesman wouldn't lose his job.

Jonathan's van was totaled.
I ended up with a fractured wrist, ankle and sternum.

"That day"

I was reminded to not take life for granted.

I learned a new depth of physical pain.

I learned a new depth of thankfulness.

I learned more about forgiveness.

Over the next few months
I learned how to  receive love
and I learned humility
as my family took care of me-
Sarah came home from Illinois
Beth came home from Cincinnati
while I was in the hospital,
             my children came to the ER
                        they visited each day
                             I wanted to be home
                                   the therapist talked about nursing homes
                                      my children prepared a place for me so I could go home-
                    Bill's home office was transformed to a bed room and a bathroom
                    A friend brought us a recliner to use in the family room.
                        I lived in that recliner for three weeks.

When Bill and I left  the hospital, he prepared the way for me to get into our home.
I couldn't get in on my own.
He called a group of our boys-
they were waiting to lift my wheel chair onto the porch.

I couldn't do anything for myself or by myself-
someone made sure I had the medicine I needed when I needed it-
             waking through the night so I wouldn't be without,
someone had to take me to the bed side commode
                          and help me on and off,
                                 and empty it
someone had to prepare my meals
                           and drinks
                                  and bring them to me
someone had undress me 
                           and dress me
Deborah shopped for elastic waist pants so I wouldn't have to wear PJ's
my girls gave me sponge baths
                           and washed my hair at the kitchen sink
my boys built a ramp for the wheel chair
          brought meals,
                   sent cards,
                          stopped by to visit
                                    helped take me to therapy
                                               one came to the house and cut my hair.
My family took care of my responsibilities.
Lots of people prayed.

Thankfully I healed, therapy went well
and in about six months I was able to resume all of my responsibilities.
Last week , almost a year to the date of the accident, we got a notice from the insurance company that the last lingering bill , which ironically was the ambulance bill, has been paid.

This chapter of my life is now at an end,
but my journey continues.
My destination: Home/Heaven

I look forward to THAT DAY when God calls me home.
It could very easily have been March 19, 2013 but it wasn't, it was just another day.

I think that on
I will rejoice in true life
I will learn a new depth of joy
I will learn a new depth of contentment
I will learn a new depth of fulfillment

Until it is
I want to be faithful,
living life on purpose,
learning to love Him deeper,
walking in obedience to Him,
and accurately reflecting Him
(this is my itinerary)

I know THAT DAY is coming for me.
THAT DAY is coming for you.

I know Jesus is preparing a place in the Father's house for every one of us who is in a relationship with Him.
I know because He told us in John 14:1-6
"Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me.  In my Father's house are many rooms. If it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you?And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also.  And you know the way to where I am going. Thomas said to him, “Lord, we do not know where you are going. How can we know the way?” Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me."

My purpose: Share God's love with anyone and everyone I can
My Goal: Take others home with me

Are you ready to go home?
I am willing to help you find the Way!


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