learning to listen with my eyes

The end of 2022 saw me unsettled. I don't know how many years I've been doing it, but usually by the beginning of December I have a pretty good idea of what my area of focused growth in the next year is supposed to be. I boil it down to a word or two to help me stay accountable and committed to paying attention to opportunities to be stretched and learn how to apply the lessons that come my way. This year, at Christmas, I had no clue. Nada. I wasn't sure what God was doing, but it didn't appear I was supposed to have one word in 2023. To be completely transparent I was a bit concerned with how many He might give me.

The last few days of December there was a stirring in my heart. 

I felt it coming, so I prayed and I waited.

It came so quietly I almost missed it.


Listen for God's voice.

Listen to people.

I thought I already practiced this but I am being exposed to a whole new level of listening awareness.

I've been more focused on listening for three weeks. It is an eye opening experience.

Paying attention to what is being spoken, rather than considering what I want to say, is a necessary discipline for listening well.

With God and with people.

Watching body language, facial expressions and a person's eyes can tell you more about them than their words ever will.

Thursday night when I stepped out of my car when I arrived home from small group my eyes were drawn upward. God spoke loudly through what I saw.

He heals the brokenhearted
and bandages their wounds.
He counts the number of the stars;
He gives names to all of them.
Our Lord is great, vast in power;
His understanding is infinite.

Psalm 147:3-5 CSB

Today as I was finishing my walk I glanced at my front flower bed. God opened my eyes to see the bud of  the first crocus of 2023. The next season is coming. What He is doing now  prepares me for what is coming next. It is going to be beautiful.

"Lord, open my eyes so I might hear You more clearly."


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