taking care of things and being taken care of

Today I am thankful for all of the "little" things I am not afraid of handling by myself.
Like removing a spider from my kitchen counter.
Before I've had coffee.
A Kleenex and a little squeeze were all it took.
He really should have stayed outside in his home.

I'm also thankful for friends who help me out with things I cannot handle by myself. Like dead possums. It's been awhile, but I know who to call if I find one in the back yard.

This was my view on my way home from running errands in Huntington today. 
Another thing I am thankful I am able to do on my own. 
Sunbeams breaking through clouds. 
I always hear God whisper assurance directly to my innermost being:
There is no darkness or impeding storm more powerful than His light and love.



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