unseen is not unreal

 Last Thursday I was sitting at soccer practice, minding my own business on an absolutely beautiful spring day. An unseen enemy began an attack, and by the time I left practice my voice had lowered several notches. I've been sounding masculine. 

Yesterday my voice began to return and my nose was a little less stuffy. Deep breaths felt good as I sat on the back porch and as I worked in the yard.

Another beautiful weather day has had me outside studying and working on my computer for six hours and it's only 4 pm. But the longer I sit here the stuffier my nose is getting. 

I looked at the glass table top that I cleaned yesterday and saw the yellow, dusty pollen covering it. 

A little bit ago I went inside for a few minutes and when I came back outside a large portion of the culprit had drifted onto my keyboard.

Today I hear my eyes telling me that just because I don't see the enemy does not make it any less real and powerful. Soooooo, when I start to feel "off" spiritually, it's a good idea to stop and ask God to open my eyes to the contaminate and take appropriate measures to deal with it before it makes me ill.


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