headed toward 65

It's been weighing heavily on my mind recently.
I have more days on earth behind me 
than I do ahead of me.

If the Lord grants me another 364 days 
I will be celebrating the big 65 next year.

Last night,
before I closed my eyes to sleep, 
I was reviewing my week.

There were times I focused on what I wanted 
but didn't have, 
giving bitterness an opportunity sprout.

I don't want to be an "ugly" old lady
(and angry, frustrated, grudge holding people are ugly, regardless of age.)

I prayed.
I repented.
I asked God to open my eyes to truth.

And He did.

I have so much to be thankful for.

The antidote to bitterness is forgiveness.
Focusing on truth.
Eyes that look for the good in life.

So daily I am going to look for and document specific beauty God puts in my life.

Day one:
I am thankful for my last 43 hours with these people:
and for this surprise in the grass beside the driveway.


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