church camp

Spending a week at camp teaching about Jesus and being a dorm mom was one of the highlights of my summer for about twenty five years back when my brother-in-law was a Dean at Round Lake. I miss it. There is nothing quite like being sequestered with a group of people for six days without the distractions of everyday life. 

The next best thing to going to camp is having the privilege of helping train KCU students to spend six weeks of their summer going from camp to camp to camp. 

It was pretty amazing to see one of our teams in action today, investing in the lives of high school students.

a quiet, individual chat, with other adults close by 
there are three sports going on in this small space:
and somehow, it works...

If you have an opportunity to spend time with young people, especially those who love Jesus, do it. Refreshing and fulfilling do not begin to describe how wonderful it is.


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