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leaning no more

Fourteen(ish) years ago Jonathan built a combination club/tree house for the grand babies. It was well loved and well used. And the best thing to happen as a result of this project? Jess watched him from the kitchen window and liked what she saw. She eventually went from being one of my KCU girls, wondering who the guy in my back yard was, to being my daughter in law.  Over time, due to Lady and Ivy digging underneath, it began a slow lean that became marked and potentially dangerous. When David and Deborah were back in the fall he agreed to dismantle it before someone got hurt. Gabriel, Moriah and Selah helped, a lot. Selah removed all of the nails from the wood. Moriah carried what she could and they made a huge, orderly stack. There was talk of building a smaller, ground based structure. We did too much traveling and ran out of time. The lumber has sat in front of my firewood pile since October.  When I mowed Monday I noticed that Ivy and Lady had dug places to lay between the two v

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