The Best Years of Your Life

How many times have you heard someone say:
"These are the best years of your life."
"This is the best time of your life."

I have heard it.

Adults tell teenagers.
-I wonder what their lives were like as teenagers, because the best years of my life definitely were NOT my teenage years.

Experienced mothers tell new mothers.
-I wonder if the experienced mothers have forgotten the nights of colic
and the days of wondering what is wrong because your child is not old enough to tell you and you have tried everything to no avail.

Mothers of teenagers tell mothers of preschoolers.
- I wonder if their child skipped the terrible two's or three's.

Mothers of adult children tell mothers of teenagers.
- I wonder if they never had a rebellious teenager.

Coaches tell their players.
-They must not remember weightlifting and practices that include running until you feel like you are going to puke.

Teachers tell students.
-They are the assigners rather than the receivers of homework.

Retired teachers tell those still teaching.
-They have forgotten the grading and reports that need turned in and must not have had hurting or challenging child in any of their classes.

"Enjoy this time, it is the best time of your life" is never said when things are going well for the one receiving the advice.

I am writing this to offer an alternative to those who give this advice and those who have received it.

The best years of your life are yet to come.

They begin with choosing Christ
to be the Lord and Savior of your life.

Accept His love and forgiveness,
learn to trust Him,
choose to obey Him
fall more in love with Him every day
and you may find that you are living the best days of your life right now, regardless of who you are or where you are on your journey.

Every day that I grow in the Lord is sweeter than the day before.
These are the best years of my life.

This is not to say that life is
pain free
without sorrow.
In fact, the opposite may be very true.

Every day brings me one step closer to going home
where there will be no more pain,
no more tears,
no more sorrow.

Come to think of it,
I am not living the best years of my life.
The best years of my life are yet to come-
they will be the ones that I live when this body quits working and I see Jesus face to face.


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