
"How much is it worth to you?"

Have you ever wanted something and when you asked the person who had the power to give it to you they asked you that question?

Have you ever been the one to ask that question?

I have heard people say ______ is worth xxxx.

If it is a "thing" I value I do one of three things-
1)I agree.
Our evaluation is the same.
2)I place a lesser value.
I agree it is valuable, but not as valuable as they think.
3)I place a higher value.
I don't think they value it enough.

If it is a "thing" I am not interested in, I invest nothing.

If it is something that cannot be bought and sold,
the value is determined by how much you are willing to invest.

A healthy body requires proper rest, eating habits and exercise.

A healthy relationship requires investment of time , interest and energy.

A healthy self esteem requires investment in an honest evaluation of your worth.

How much are you worth?
How much am I worth?

The world assigns worth in many different ways:

The truth is,
something is worth only as much
as someone else is willing to invest in it.

It doesn't matter what I think.

It doesn't matter what you think.

The seller can set a price,
but the buyer determines if it is "worth it".

The buyer can offer a price
and the seller can determine that what they own
is too valuable to settle
for the price they are being offered.

God says I am priceless.

I don't need any of the things the world values to have worth in His eyes.
He invested the life of His Son to offer me the opportunity to have a relationship with Him.

Whose "worth" do I value-
the worth God assigns me
or the worth the world sees in me?

I value God's worth.
I am in a relationship with Him.
How much am I investing in that relationship?


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