their or there

Spoken words are a funny thing.

Think about it.

Too, to, two.
Whether, weather.
Bread, bred.
For, fore, four.
Course, coarse.
Aunt, ant.
Wood, would.
Sew, so, sow.
Red, read.
Reed, read.
Blew, blue.
Here, hear.
And the list could go on.

If we don't know what the context is,
it is easy to get confused!

I am sure there have been times
when you have had to stop
and ask for something to be repeated
because you know the person you are speaking to
would NEVER say what you think they just said!
If you need an example think about Sarah's last name
coming out of the mouth of a child just learning to speak-

It is so important to listen.
To really listen,
because sometimes what we think we heard
isn't what the person said at all!
If misunderstandings or hurt feelings occur
because we refuse to listen,
no one has won.


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