"On a clear day..."

When I arrived in Kyrgyzstan my son-in-law told me that on a clear day the mountains you can see from their apartment are beautiful. I looked at them that morning and thought they were pretty.
When I got up the next morning, I looked and thought they were pretty.
Same story the third morning.

Then came Wednesday.
The sky was clear blue.
When I looked toward the mountains I was stunned by their beauty.

The mountains did not change.
My ability to see them, my perception, changed.

Yesterday was a cloudy day-and the mountains were pretty.
Today it is overcast and rainy, and the mountains are barely visible.
It got more overcast before I could take this picture.
The mountains are not even visible.
That doesn't change the truth that the mountains are there.
That doesn't change the truth that they are stunning.
I just can't see them that way today.

I have been thinking about my relationship with God.

Some days it is beautiful.
Some days it is pretty.
Some days I muddle through.
Some days it is breath taking.

He doesn't change, my perception of Him does.

"On a clear day...."


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