
I left Chicago to come to Kyrgyzstan March 4 at 5:40 PM.
I arrived March 6 at 3:15 AM.
One and a half days.
I leave Kyrgyzstan April 1 at 7:25 AM.
I arrive in Chicago April 1 at 6:18 PM.
One half day.

I wanted to stay a month.
Official sites said visa 30 days max.
The flight I was looking at was 31 days.
So I went back and looked again.
The best I could do was the flight I booked.
26 days.

When I arrived, my visa was stamped March 6- April 6.
31 days.

Today is March 23.
I have enjoyed every day I have had here.
We have made the most of every day.

But as the days remaining decrease,
I am looking back. I am struggling a bit.
I could have booked the flight I was looking at originally.
That would have been 5 extra days.

As I sit here I realize I am in an age old struggle.
The time we have to spend with love ones is never enough.
And I have a choice to make.
Enjoy the remaining full eight days we have
or lament over what might have been.

I choose, (at this point), to enjoy.
To make the most of every opportunity.
If I don't, the rest of my stay will be wasted.
I never want to waste any gift God entrusts to me.


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