
It seems like we have had a more than normal amount of rainfall this spring.

Last week was Spring Break for Hannah and Chloe and they wanted to spend it with us.
I was a little bummed at the beginning of the week because we were supposed to have rain all week.

We did have rain, but it came at "convenient" times.
The girls and I were able to go outside every day they were here.
This was especially important because we had to have an Easter egg hunt.

This was Scott's weekend to have the girls so they left with Beth Friday.

Today Bill and I celebrated Easter Sonrise service outside, in between storms.

I took a nap this afternoon and when I got up Bill said it had rained the whole time I napped.

This evening Beth texted me on her way home from picking up the girls.
Following is one of Hannah's comments:

"The good side of all this rain is that it's highly unlikely that God will choose to destroy the world with fire in the next few days."

She is ten years old.
First I smiled and wondered why she was thinking about that.
I was amazed by her logic.

As I thought about what she had to say I began to realize that there are some good lessons for me in her statement.
More of "and a little child will lead them" type things.

1. Why am I NOT thinking about it?
2. Do I acknowledge that He is in charge?
3. She does not question if it is going to happen.
4. Do I have that same faith?
5. What am I doing to share the gospel?
6. What am I doing to encourage other believers to be faithful til the end?


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