A boy and his dog...

What causes the bond between a boy and a dog?

Soon after we moved to Kentucky we got a bigger house and we got a dog.

Bill and Samson walked almost every night.
A boy and his dog-
a strong bond.

Samson escaped from the back yard one day.
Someone shot him with a pellet gun.
Bill found him laying along the side of the road,
paralyzed from his shoulders back.
A boy and his dog.
That strong bond made us do all we could
to help Samson recover.
Nothing worked.
We ended up having to put Samson to sleep.
A boy and his dog were seperated.
It broke Bill's heart.

The volunteer firemen shared the same kind of bond
with Samson as Bill did.
A few months after we lost Samson
they showed up at our door.
In their hands was a small bundle of fur.
Boys and their dogs.

Sam is now four years old.
He is not a small bundle of fur anymore.

We have nine grandchildren.
Eight grand daughters.
One grandson.
Guess who loves Sam like grandpa does-
that's right,

Below is a priceless picture of
a boy and what he wishes was his dog.


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