Rite of Passage

Life is full of "rites of passage".
They are cause for celebration.

First smile
First tooth
First words
First steps
First day of Preschool
First day of Kindergarten
First day of Summer Vacation
Last day of Summer Vacation
Last day of Elementary School
First day of Junior High/Middle School
Last day of Junior High/Middle School
First day of High School
Graduation from High School.

I am going through a Rite of Passage.

My Baby Ruth is a High School Graduate.

I am done parenting my six children.

I wouldn't trade the last 31 plus years for anything,
but to be honest,
I am pretty excited.

I am now parenting six young adults.

I am looking forward
to watching God work
during the next 31 plus years
in the lives of these children
who are now adults.

Rites of Passage.
Let's celebrate!


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