of slugs, grubs, and other finds

slugs gross me out
I keep my eyes open when I am outside after dark and it's "their" season
because I have stepped on them
yuck, yuck, yuck!
I was not quite as on guard this afternoon while I was weeding
and when I reached to pick up a leaf, 
one was hidden underneath
slime all over my finger! 

I was tempted to stop working,
but I couldn't 
just look at that mess.

Not only was this a prime place to find slugs,
there were grubs
which are equally disgusting in my estimation

and "roly poly" bugs

these were one of my favorites when I was a little girl
my brothers and I would turn over rocks,
hunting these little guys just so we could watch them roll up in a ball
it never has taken a whole lot to entertain me
there were ants to consider as they scurried
and an albino looking spider that insisted on crawling up my leg several times
since I was in his domain I didn't want to kill him so I kept brushing him off

I actually became glad I'd found the slug 
and the grub
because I was more careful as I worked afterward
and if I hadn't been watchful.
I would likely have cut myself on this glass, half buried, sharp edge up

When I saw it I asked myself,
"How do pieces of glass keep showing up in this area? I work it several times a year!"
I am guessing the ground moving, freezing and thawing, moves things that are buried.

There were treasures as well as pests and dangers

some kind of eggs


 new growth

a snail shell my grandkids will share with me when they find it this summer

a bird egg I used a flashlight to get a picture of since I forgot to take one earlier
I think it is a leftover from last year, it was pretty fragile looking

I worked hard for about two hours,
pulling even the tiniest of weeds
because I know, left where they are, they will become big ones!

as I worked, and as I write tonight, I prayed-

"Lord, please be the Master Gardener in my life. I know that areas I leave untended, places I don't allow You to work, soon become overgrown and are fertile, inviting ground for slugs and grubs, and other pests (sins) to thrive and make themselves at home. Overgrown areas are also excellent hiding places for things that can cause injury, like the pieces of glass I found. I know that in the upheavals of life, in the shifting caused by new seasons, new dangers can surface. Splease uproot all the weeds in my life. Keep me watchful. I do not want to ignore or excuse even the "tiny" slips/sins that You make me aware of, because if I do, it will not take long for them to get out of control.
Thank you for the treasures in my life, for unexpected gifts uncovered as You work, and thank you for the things you bring, like earthworms, to break up the soil and help me grow. 
Thank you for the satisfaction of a Raspberry patch well weeded...

 and for the promise of fruit to come. Amen"


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