bedtime routine

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I do not live close so I do not know the normal bedtime routine here at Beth's,
but I know it has been different this last week,
we've had some late nights,
Crisitan has given up his bed for me and slept in his daddy's recliner
Addy has shared her room with two cousins
two things have been consistent
1. a snack before laying down
2. a request for water after Cristian is snuggled in
and two times bedtime has been anything but routine

I have been privileged to be part of prayer time alone with the littles twice
the other night with Crisitan 
tonight with Addy 
Cristian's prayer included thanks for several things
and an honest statement: "I don't know why my dad had to die so young"
tears rolled down my face as I echoed that prayer
Addy's prayer tonight included thanks for several things
and an honest statement "I hope dad is having a great time in heaven"
cue the tears

all the tears
of grief
of thanksgiving 
of joy
they get it-
an eight and ten year old understand two important truths:
God is not afraid of nor offended by our honesty
and heaven is a place where having a great time is to be expected 


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