I can't do this

on more than one occasion, 
in my mind 
in my heart
in my spirit I have yelled or raged,
but silently 

"I can't do this,
not one more thing,
it's too much."

and I heard a gentle but firm whisper
"I know you can't do it...
but who told you YOU had to do it?"

"Well, Lord, 
it is right here, 
plainly in my life and sphere of influence."

"I can't ignore it.
I have to handle it, fix it, solve the problem(s).
They certainly aren't going to take care of themselves."

"All that you have said is correct.
but not complete.
you left out some important details."

"It is daunting."
"It is exceedingly difficult."
"It is beyond your ability to handle."

"Then why?
Why Lord?

Why is here, front and center, unavoidable, uninvited, in my life?"

"Because I am the author of your faith.
This needs to be included in your story,
it is part of the plot and cannot be left out."

"I know you can't handle this.
That there has been an abundance of "too much" recently.
Do you trust Me?"

Hesitating, I stop.
Tentatively, I reflect.
I call to mind His character.

His faithfulness.
His compassion.
His kindness.
His watchcare.
His provision.

In the musing, I hear His voice:
"Child, will you stop striving?
Stop trying to figure out how you are going to do it all?
Will you rest?
Please, be mindful that I don't expect you to know how to bear it.
These burdens you carry are not for your shoulders alone.
Are you ready to let Me take them?
Will you let me direct your steps, 
listen for My voice to tell you what I do expect from you?
But rest assured, 
it definitely is not this striving to be superwoman."

and my heart cries out
"oh gracious God,
please, forgive my forgetfulness.
My doubts.
My arrogance."

"Lord, thank you for Your gentleness, Your love, Your patience.
Here, take it, this most recent thing that threatened to send me over the edge. 
As a matter of fact, take all the things.
I let go of my holding on.
I offer my burdens to You.
I will wait for You to show me what part You want me play in this drama called life.
Thank you for kindly reminding me that it is not the Director position."


  1. Your a good good father that's who you are, and I'm loved by You.

  2. I know next Sunday I will probably be in the same quandary. But I know I can count on you to be praying for me and my family.


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