that was close!

I had errands to run in Ashland and Huntington today. When I got on the interstate I looked down at the gas gauge. I was surprised when I saw where the needle was. I was glad my stops were clustered and the last one was Sam's Club. 
I was extra glad to see this price on the pump!

Check out how many gallons I put in the tank. 

The "low gas" light never came on, but it had to be on the brink-
my car has a 15 gallon tank.
 I normally look at the gas gauge when I get in the car, especially before heading out of town and fill up when it gets to a quarter of a tank so please don't scold.

I was feeling good about how quickly I'd been able to accomplish what I needed to do. Saving almost $4 on this fill up was simply icing on the cake. Coming home involves driving on the interstate which I like because I can go fast. I was smiling, singing along with KLove. Until the semi in the right lane who was behind another semi as we were heading up a hill decided to cut me off in the passing lane and I got to go from 75mph down to 52mph without much more than a split second warning. After he passed the semi he went back to the right lane. I can't explain how tempted I was to use sign language as I passed him to let him know how I felt about his selfish, unsafe, idiotic move. What stopped me? My only explaination is the Spirit of God at work in me because my flesh was ready to go for it. Once my heart slowed down and my rational thought processes returned I was thankful there hadn't been an accident. I was thankful I didn't give into my instinct because it would not have been an accurate reflection of Jesus. I was thankful I didn't have anything to regret. I did repent of my road rage and went back to smiling and singing along with KLove. 


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