a gift

Mrs. Albee figurines were a reward for Avon sales and Mom Bondurant earned thirty or more. She gifted me and my girls each one in December when Deborah and Andrew's families and I made a trip to Akron to see our family that lives there. It was difficult to make a decision so I asked Andrew to do it for me.
 Out of all the choices, this is the one he picked. 

It may have been prophetic. I have traveled a lot since I brought it home and I have several trips, in and out of the US, planned during the next year.

When I got home from Georgia I applied for a new passport so it would be current. That process can take 10-13 weeks. 
Mine was in my hands in less than three. 
When I am in doubt about whether or not I should go somewhere, I'll look at Mrs. Albee and call to mind how quickly I received my new passport and take that as confirmation that yes, Mrs. B should go when and where she can for as long as she is able to travel! It is a gift to be able to "go".


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