
I just finished up this semester of classes.
All two of them.
I am amazed by students who take a full load!

I am learning that I can learn things I didn't know I could learn.
(And sometimes I have learned more than I realize.)

I am learning that the best lessons are often not taught by a professor.

I am reminded of the wonder of relationships,
and I am thankful for the kids that accept me as just another student.

Hurray for educators:
Who never stop being students.
Who teach with passion and purpose.
Who invest in the lives of students.
Who are real.
Who pursue excellence-
personally and in the classroom.
Who are more interested in planning opportunities for students to learn
than they are are in impressing students with their knowledge.
Who celebrate the "ah ha" moment.
Who recognize and encourage the faint hearted.
Who realize that everyone can learn, but everyone cannot learn everything.
Who do the right thing rather than the fair thing.

Life is too short to not be learning something.
So hurray for learning!


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