
It is in the mid twenties today and we have about five inches of snow on the ground. I spent almost three hours behind the building in our back yard going through I don't even know how many tubs and boxes of yard sale stuff this afternoon.
Am I crazy?
(My children would argue this point.)
Why did I do this crazy thing?
Because I became aware of a need.
And I knew that there were items in those boxes and tubs that would help meet that need.
About a month ago, when it was warmer, I became aware of a need that could be eased by some things in those same boxes but I didn't want to invest the time and energy to go through them.
What made the difference?
Today the need was one of someone I love.
Last time it was for strangers I will never see.
Shame on me.
Sometimes sharing requires sacrifices of a different kind than we normally face.
I am slowly thawing out, and it is from the inside out.
I think that is because this time I obeyed the quiet Voice that said "go.look.share."
This motivates me to heed that Voice more often.


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