"I can't get no satisfaction"

We all hunger and thirst for satisfaction.

Reading this morning
I could not get past Matthew 5:6
"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they shall be satisfied".

The words
"I can't get no satisfaction,
I can't get no satisfaction..."
from a song kept shouting in my mind.

The Rolling Stones released this song in 1965.
Jagger couldn't get any satisfaction,
though he tried and he tried and he tried and he tried,
watching television
listening to the radio
being a celebrity

I could echo his words
"I can't get no satisfaction,
I can't get no satisfaction,
cause I try and I try and I try and I try"
but I try different things:
being a "good wife"
being a "good mother"
being a "good friend"
being a "good teacher"
reading "good books"
watching "good movies"
taking "good care" of my home
eating "good food"
(disclaimer, I mean food that tastes good,
not necessarily food that is good for me)

My husband, dear as he is,
cannot satisfy my hunger for companionship.
My children, precious as they are,
cannot satisfy my hunger for validation.
My friends, faithful as they are,
cannot satisfy my hunger for confirmation.
My studying, exciting as it is,
cannot satisfy my hunger for knowing the right stuff.
Reading and movies, entertaining as they are,
cannot satisfy my hunger for excitement.
My home, safe as it is,
cannot satisfy my hunger for security.
Eating and drinking satisfies the tummy,
maybe, temporarily, and never the soul.

"Blessed are those
who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they shall be satisfied".

What is righteousness?
A right relationship with God.
When my relationship with God is right,
when I am looking to Him to fill me,
I am satisfied.
When I look for satisfaction anywhere else,
"though I try and I try and I try and I try...
I can't get no satisfaction,

What about you?
Are you satisfied
or are you still
trying and
trying and
trying and

When you tire of trying stuff,
try a right relationship with God-
I guarantee you that Jesus,
the Bread of Life
and Living Water
will satisfy your hunger and thirst.


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