what makes God good?

I just watched another thunderstorm roll over my little corner of the world. I know someone's world was touched, and maybe rocked, but mine was not. 

I also know someone will post how "God has been good to us." How do I know? Because I read it every single time there is a near miss. 

And my heart hurts. 

It hurts for those who think God is good because they were spared a heartache. 

It hurts for those who may be wondering if God has favorites. If maybe He is only good to some people. Or He is only good most of the time. Or maybe He has a personal vendetta against them, evidenced by the fact they were not spared the difficulty or heartache.

Is God good because
an accident was avoided
a storm passed over 
an injury was prevented 
the widow maker didn't win this time
the cancer scare was only a scare
the near (fill in the blank) was a miss instead of a direct hit
or is God good because that is His character?

If God is good, then He must be good all of the time. 
Regardless of the situation.
Otherwise, He cannot be good at all.

God is good because that is part of His character. Circumstances do not change who He is, but they will reveal what we believe to be true about Him.


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