losing my mind...

I think I may have completely lost my mind
I am going to blame it on noise induced brain damage
caused by endless fireworks around my home for the past few weeks
the incident that suggests it has finally happened occurred last night
at a Fourth of July gathering with friends at church
retired folks
couples, a few singles
families with young children

we had a potluck meal
meat and drinks were provided, the rest we carried in
the first thing on the agenda:
we sat at tables and visited
the group I was with disbanded-
I was the only one of them intending to stay for fireworks
rather than join another inside group
I decided to mingle with the outside crowd

I retrieved my lawn chair from my trunk
there is always at least one in there
and sat by myself to watch the children who were running and playing
one of the moms brought out buckets of water for a relay
I cheered each child I knew by name 
the goal was to transfer water from one bucket to the other with a sponge
it was taking too long, so the coordinator switched to cups
the kids were having a great time

then IT happened
I was distracted
I didn't see him coming
the three year old that was flying under my radar
took his cup of water and dumped it in my lap
my response was immediate
but out of character and unexpected by both of us
I picked the child up, turned him upside down as I carried him
and when I reached the bucket I dunked him head first

I don't know who was more surprised when what I did registered, him or me
there was just enough water in the bucket to get his hair good and wet
I do know he wasn't happy 
when I realized what I had done I apologized to his mother, several times
she said he was okay and she was okay with what happened-
I told her it was what I would have done with one of my grandchildren
but I am not related to this child!
I even texted his grandmother an apology when I got home
her reply-it's nothing his pap wouldn't have done, no apology needed

I was wondering today if I should text my brother-in-law,
come clean about what happened last evening and offer to resign my position
he is the Dean at a week of camp I am supposed to work at next week
then I realized there was no need, 
after all, it was an isolated event,
totally out of character for me
and I can assure you the kids will be perfectly safe with me
they are 5th and 6th graders
much too big for me to snatch up and carry anywhere 😂😂😂


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