
This is one of the photos I snapped on my iphone through the van window as we drove from Grayson KY to Vancouver WA, moving Ruth and her family. It was easy for me to pretend we were simply on vacation together. Until we hit the first sign for Portland Friday morning. Tears rolled silently down my face as I turned slightly to stare out the window. Seeing but not really taking in what was before me as memories and "if only's" blinded me. It is surreal to sit here and look back over last few months. As I was searching for a picture to use today this one caught my eye. I think it looks like a painting. It reveals things I missed when I was there "in person" and yet at the same time misses some of what I saw when I was there "in person".

that is what I was captivated by 
that is what I tried to capture as we drove the other day

much of what I saw last week left me speechless
the colors
the shades
the valleys
the rolling hills
the mountains in the distance
the bodies of water
the sky
the miles and miles and miles of corn and hay fields
the bales and bales and bales of straw or hay
the homesteads that could easily be missed
the overwhelming beauty of all God created
the vastness of the land that stretched on every side
the awe that is felt every time I see the ocean 
has now been extended to the beautiful areas we drove through

things that are experienced and are your uniquely your own
the landscape was an accurate depiction of my emotions and thoughts  


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