Little Miss Snuggler

Little Miss spent a lot of time on my shoulder yesterday.
I was concerned that her ear infection might not be responding to the medicine. She wasn't miserable and cranky, she just needed to be in my arms.

At one point she wanted to snuggle close to my heart and suddenly tears started rolling down my cheeks. As they fell and splashed on her head, I whispered to her; "I get it girl. Sometimes you just need to be held and be comforted by the sound of a beating heart."

I texted her mommy this morning to check on her. Little Miss is fine. Great mood and lots of energy last night. Good as gold this morning. I replied I was happy to hear that. And maybe those extra snuggles yesterday were a gift from God for my heart. 

Being held brings healing. 

So does watching this girl smile and dance to worship music. It makes my heart smile that the part of the song she smiled the biggest to was " nothing but the blood of Jesus" It is the most healing thing I know.


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