sleep, where are you?

sometimes when I need sleep the most, 
it is mostly elusive
sometimes when I need to rest now so I can focus later, 
my mind won't turn off
sometimes I fight it, 
   breathing deeply
   taking notes so I don't have to worry about forgetting
   singing worship music in my head
   focusing on the soothing sound machine noises
and I win the battle eventually
sometimes I give up and get up if it stretches to more than two hours
   because I have exhausted all my tricks
   and regardless of how tired my body is 
   my mind won't slow down, 
   it just keeps building energy,
   at that point I surrender 
I get up, make a cup of herb tea to enjoy
and hope for the best for the later hours of my day
this is one of those times
I hope Miss Adeline wants to nap like usual when she gets here in 3 hours 


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