KCU Graduation 2018

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graduation week is always hard
the kids who have grown in my heart prepare to leave for the summer
I know I will miss them 
the days grow long until they come back in August
I know plans change and some who think they are returning, won't
those who have completed the requirements for their degree
are moving on to the next step,
a step that makes me happy for them, sad for myself
because it's a step that takes them away from being a regular part of my life

this year's class is extra hard to say goodbye to
I thought about it when they started this school year,
but chose to not dwell on it,
I shoved it away,
tried to buried it in the back of my mind
this week it has pushed and shoved and shouted its way to the forefront
this class, 
the class of 2018, 
is the last class of students who may have met Bill 

all year I have known this graduation day would be harder because of that
but it wasn't until this week that I understood why it is harder:
Bill loved students
He worked diligently so KCU would be here for them to attend
and now there won't be anyone returning who knows that firsthand
no one who shook his hand as they finished the process
or had him pray with them
or had him help them figure out the finances 
my heart hurts for what the classes of 2019 and beyond don't know


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