when living doesn't leave time for writing

Yesterday I travelled to and from Cincinnati so I could watch Addy's dance recital and still take care of responsibilities in Grayson. The last week and a half have been somewhat of a whirlwind. A friend texted today to check on me since I haven't posted in a while. 
She knows writing is therapy for me. She knew exactly how long it has been since I last shared. I did not. Ten days. I assured her I was okay. And shared with her why I haven't written.

So many thoughts.
So many emotions.
So much activity.
So little time to put my thoughts in order. 
What takes you minutes to read usually takes me hours to write.

here is a brief overview of what has been going on:

Speaking at a retreat multiple times which included revisiting my past to share how I got to where I am today. 
Gathering props and take aways for my sessions. 
Baring your heart and sharing your history is dangerous and draining.
a very welcomed surprise visit from Beth and Sarah
being transparent
meeting recruits, parents, coaches
caring for Little Miss
camp team training
counseling a hurting student
praying for grieving friends
sharing a dream that is unfolding
being vulnerable 
chasing an elusive hope
fighting lies in my head
bearing others burdens
preparing to speak at another Ladies event Monday May 7
wrestling with feelings of insignificance
dreams, so many dreams with Bill in them
holding a crying student
having a day of weeping, and when the tears were not falling I could feel them lying in pools, awaiting their opportunity 
a doctor visit
breakfast with a friend that always lasts until lunch and is good for my heart
lunch meetings
taking care of my lawn and home
cleaning the church building

So much responsibility.
So many privileges.
So much life.
So many blessings.
Sometimes living and loving lavishly doesn't leave time or energy for writing.


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