Oh, Sam

I was sure Tuesday was Sam's last day on earth. I will spare you the details of his behavior to make this post shorter, but I was scared. If I was a betting woman I would have "bet the farm" he wouldn't make it through the day. I spent extra time with him. I sent all of the kids a text telling them what was going on. I checked on him countless times. Had a couple of private ugly cries and snotted all over him as tears fell on his coat while I fed him almost a whole bag of treats. Normally he gets one or two, three max. Tuesday I gave him almost 5 oz. One right after the other until the bag was empty.

I had to leave early in the afternoon for a soccer game. I did not want him lying dead in the yard for hours, so I asked the friend who is going to take care of him when that time comes to check on him once that evening. I got a text about 8 PM that he was okay. I did not check on him when I got home after 11PM. I could not have done anything until Wednesday morning anyway.

I was not looking forward to opening the back door when I got up. I opened the blinds first and peeked out. There he was, bright eyed and bushy tailed. Well, as bright eyed as an almost blind dog can be and as bushy tailed as a 14 year old large breed dog who more than likely has arthritis in his hips can be. (Comparing his movements and mine I diagnosed him.)

I took this photo as I was leaving a little after 12 to go to lunch Wednesday. (Yes, I currently have three dogs. It's a long story.) He has been alert and interactive the last three days and because I know it won't last forever I find myself taking extra time to pet him, to talk to him, to check on him. I am back to giving him two or three treats, but now it is multiple times a day. This is not normal behavior for me. But he doesn't seem to mind. Part of why I am spoiling him now, part of what compounds the sorrow I know will come is the fact that Sam is not my dog. He was Bill's. And Bill loved that dog. Now I do.

I am definitely going to have to make Walmart run this weekend. At this rate the treats I have on hand won't last much longer than Sunday evening.


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