a not so nice trip...

I'm "at that age". 

A normal question when I go to the doctor's office is: "Have you had any falls since you were here last?" 

I always answer "no", and in my head add: "Why do you keep asking me that?" I'm pretty coordinated and I can't remember the last time I fell.

That changed today. 

I'm thankful my appointment was two weeks ago. I'm glad it's been almost a year since my back surgery. I'm also very thankful for ibuprofen and Tylenol arthritis. I'mma gonna be takin' some of that before I head to bed tonight.

A gremlin in Jonathan's yard reached up and grabbed my left shoestring or something as I was heading toward my car this evening and I went down. I stood up and looked over my shoulder toward the house to see if Jess or Addi had noticed. They weren't at the window and the door didn't open. Jonathan, Benjamin and Ezekiel were gone to pick up pizza. I was free to get in my car and drive away without a fuss.

The only thing really hurt is my pride.


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