Plain plant talk

I like my citronella/scented geranium. I brought it in when winter came to try and save it, hoping to propagate a few more plants to enjoy this summer. I neglected to water it a few times when it sorely needed a drink so I am thankful to have even this spindly specimen, itself a start from the original plant.

I also like violas. 
The tiny pansy like faces always make me smile.
I harvested seeds from my flowers last fall.
I planted some a few weeks ago.
And waited, patiently, for the work God was doing in the dark to come to the surface, to come to light. 

March 9th I noticed the first sprouts.

Two weeks later I am convinced that at least 95% of the seeds I scattered in that soil have taken root. That's exciting, but causes a dilemma as well. From experience early this winter I know that if I don't thin these plants none of them will survive and bloom as they ought. 

I hear two things as I look at the seedlings...

1. I cannot possibly pursue everything that pops up in my life. Some things are good, and beautiful, but they are not mine to grow and watch mature. The sooner I accept that, the quicker I will be satisfied with and enjoy what is mine.

2. Keep reaching for the Son. And when I get turned around (as I turned this pot a few days ago) be flexible enough to change direction. Never give up seeking Him.


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