Listening with my eyes as well as my ears

I was hesitant for a few weeks.

Did I hear my word for 2023 correctly?


With my eyes as well as my ears?

Two months in, 

I am convinced, 

without a single doubt,

my word of focus this year is indeed,


And the funny thing about listening?

Really listening?

There isn't a lot of extra space for my words...

and in this quiet space,

with my eyes wide open,

I hear God's voice more clearly,

and I find myself basking in an extraordinary awareness of  Him.

This, my friends, is a beautiful place to live.

The invitation is open ended.

Join me.

Open your eyes as well as your ears.


a physical reminder of my focus:

February 12th a friend gave me Christmas gifts. Jokingly she said "they can be for Valentine's Day they are so late." They came at a perfect time. I was feeling alone. (I know I'm not, but sometimes my feelings shout louder than my reason or logic.) She didn't know that the beach is a place of healing for me. Part of that healing comes from collecting shells. She wanted me to know she and her family often have me on their minds, so she purchased the Willow Tree figurine "Thinking of You". Look what the girl is holding. To her ear, no less. You will never convince me that God did not have His hand in this choice of gifts. 


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