the unexpected journey

December 27, 2018:
The date that marks the beginning of experiences that would open our eyes to a journey we were not looking to take. One we would not choose for ourselves or anyone else, but one that Mike's body had already started on.

Mike had pain in his hips that was intensifying
over the counter pain medication was not helping
he went to the doctor
blood work
results December 31, 2018
spot under the skin, outside of skull
hip bones look like there are some stress fractures
blood work is good
a preliminary diagnosis

Mike and Beth received that information as they were driving to my house. We were gathering as a family to celebrate New Years Eve. Reeling, they shared the news with us and the prayers began.

first week of January:
more tests
more waiting
more people praying
different possibility

second week of January
more tests 
very different diagnosis 
aggressive treatment plan laid out
wait, no consensus on diagnosis
5% possibility we might get "better news"
more testing
intensified praying
another biopsy is required
wait a week to get in for biopsy
no treatment until results are back

third week of January
second lung biopsy

fourth week of January
more waiting 
pain increasing

throughout the process
continual prayers,
pray without ceasing prayers
by the Maxey family,
the rest of our family,
asking God for the health care professionals to have
clear images and test results
an accurate diagnosis and a treatment plan
waiting and changing gears continually is no fun

"how is Mike?"
"how is Beth?"
"how are the kids?"
"how are you?"
"what is the latest news?"

if I am vague when you ask 
or if I look dazed or irritated,
if any of us don't give you a "real" answer
it is because sometimes we are still waiting on the latest news too
and sometimes we are not sure how we are

I do know,
without a doubt,
we are trusting
we are waiting
patiently and impatiently
what's next
and how do we prepare for what we don't know is in front of us

today we talked about how God was not taken by surprised,
He knew long ago that this was coming,
and He orchestrated job changes that have done nothing but benefit Mike
so we will continue to walk, 
one step at a time

a month out,
almost to the day
January 30, 2019
Mike left work with dizziness
the next morning he woke up,
so tired
with one sided "heaviness"
the afternoon held a trip to the ER
and a CT scan
and blood work
the evening-
an MRI

quick result:
the mass on the outside of skull has grown,
it is pressing against the brain
so the dizziness and heaviness not "in your head",
it has a cause 
here are some meds to help
come home
the meds definitely make Mike sleep, almost instantly
Beth tries to get some restful sleep

we wake up this morning,
expecting and receiving a call from the oncologist
a consultation was scheduled for this afternoon

February 1, 2019
This is a synopsis of what the doctor had to say:
"We still do not have a consensus.
The biopsy is being sent to New York-Sloan Kettering.
The cancer is growing,
We cannot wait any longer to begin chemo.
We are treating you for stage 4 small blue cell lung cancer.
Oral or IV meds, we are not sure yet,
but chemo will begin at noon Monday (February 4).
Have a good weekend.
I will be praying for you."

We like having a doctor who prays and knows the Great Physician.
We like knowing we are covered by YOUR prayers.
Thank you. 


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