not quite right


I feel this deep in my soul today.

A series of realistic, heart rending dreams and an unhappy nerve made my sleep last night not so restful. I woke up feeling a little sideways. But there were places to go, people to see and things to do. The fuel that kept me trucking on?  A text about fresh farm eggs coming my way early this morning. An opportunity to pray for a dear friend mid morning. A quick visit with a sweet friend and then a random "Love you momma D!" text late morning. A space rearranged to provide an opportunity for ministry mid afternoon. A surprise visit and two bear hugs from a young man who is like a son to me this evening. The smell of banana bread baking. Laundry done, packing for a long weekend trip 95% complete. It may not be "pretty", I may be moving a slow and my gait may be off, but I am still trucking.

Grit and determination have the ability to take you places.


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