bugs, ugh

This is why, unless I choose to ignore my good sense, you will find me spending time outside everyday. On warmer days, it may be hours on the back porch reading. When it's cold I at least get out to grab the mail and feed the dogs.

It is why perennials are in my yard and why I planted viola seeds a few weeks ago and why I tend to my Christmas cactus year round. It is why in the winter I sometimes treat myself to a bouquet from Aldi.

Today the sunshine was masked. Rain. Clouds. Cold. 
And on top of that I've picked up a bug that has sidelined me. 
I checked on a friend's little boy early this afternoon and in the conversation described how I am feeling. 
I learned something new today.
Sometimes sunshine, fresh air and flowers look like a porch drop of Gatorade and Nut Thin Crackers.
Or a negative Covid test.
Or a neighbor willing to come out into the rain and feed my dogs...

 maybe tomorrow I'll feel like going out to get the mail from today, but if not I have people who would be happy to grab it and put it on my porch bench. And my neighbor will be happy to feed the dogs. I just have to be willing to swallow my pride and ask.


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