when you're in a fog

It was foggy in my little corner of the world Thursday morning. I noticed it when I sat down in my navy blue "Jesus time" chair. I know what is across the street and up the hill because it is normally clear. A train of thought began and I rode it all day into Friday morning...

we are all on a journey
sometimes life gets "foggy"
and things are unclear
holding onto the truth that  fog is temporary, that it will eventually clear and while it can mask what is solid, it cannot remove or destroy it, makes navigating through the days that feel uncertain doable.
I also held tight to the truth that the closer I get to where I am headed, the clearer things become. 

I am thankful to be loved by God-
the One who is good and true and faithful,
the One who created and sustains the world,
the One who adopted me and took on all the responsibility that comes with being a good parent,
the One who makes the sun to rise and set, 
every single day
even on the days that are cloudy or foggy,
I am not left  to struggle to navigate alone,
the Son is always with me
and the closer I am to Him, 
the less I am distracted by or concerned with "foggy things"


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