Hidden treasures revealed

I have been working my way through closets and cupboards and drawers and the shed in my back yard.
I thought I'd uncovered "all the things".
Until I opened the drawer of my cedar chest today and found two forgotten things.

Shells Abigail and I picked up at Lake Issy Kul in Kyrgyzstan.

A shadow box with treasures from Deborah and from my trip to Salekhard in 2015.
I thought the tiny boots, made from reindeer hide, were lost forever! The doll with vibrant colors is made from a duck bill. The other one, the tie dyed soap holder and small square magnet are crafted from felt.

This evening Anita called and invited me to join her for a cheeseburger at the bowling alley. We've both been crazy busy and haven't had an opportunity to hang out for awhile. I was looking forward to our visit, and when I got out of my car I found a bonus, this egg shell. Evidence of new life always brings a smile to my face and to think that this fragile shell survived in a parking lot of all places, is amazing.

Some time in the past I found a bowl that isn't fit for food, but was too pretty to be pitched so I put it in my shed for "something, someday." 
I was in Akron for Mother's Day and went shopping with my mom. I bought a plastic pot with five succulents in it. Mostly because two of them have color I don't have and a string of pearls was in it. 
When I cleaned out my shed last week I found the dish and knew it was a perfect home for my new plants. It looks like one of them may have a flower bud! That will be a new treat if it is a bud and it continues to develop properly.

What an extraordinarily beautiful, treasure filled day! 


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