the problem of having an unusual name...

Growing up with an unusual first name, I became accustomed to very different spellings and pronunciations of Donnette. Sometimes an n or a t or the final e would be omitted in spelling. And to hear it spoken-well there is no good way to write what it came out as. 

Then I married Bill and took on an equally unusual last name. Bondurant. We pronounce it Bon-dur-ant, emphasis on Bon. Some people emphasize one of the other syllables. I've heard others turn the u to an e so it comes out Bond-er-ant. Bon-dur-aunt. Ban-der-ant. These are the most common.

Today I received mail that has me completely baffled.

It reminded me of a smart phone I had several years ago that began to give me a complex. Every time I texted the word "eat" it auto corrected to the word "fat". Tell me that wouldn't make you think twice every time you opened the refrigerator! 

Recently I have been reminded of my tendency toward anger, and while anger is not a sin, I know I am not to sin while angry. I thought I had been allowing the Holy Spirit to work in me and keep the beast from winning. Until today when I retrieved the mail. It's from an organization that I have contributed to in the past. This is the first time I've received a mailing with this on it...

Donnette Daileyrant. Donnette Dailey rant. Definitely not me.

Is this a message that I am ignoring what is really going on in my life or a gift of comic relief? I'm going with the second option :)


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