what can (2) 12 year olds, a 10 year old and a 4 year old do for you?

they can improve your heart health


12 year old Addy helped with the three-day yard sale, and in those three days, lots of conversation took place
she also made special food for Beth, Jon and I to enjoy last night... 
Pound cake, Penne, Pizza, Steak, Ribs and Mochas were on the menu  

12 year old Addi, 10 year old Benjamin and 4 year Ezekiel stopped by with their parents this afternoon after Addi's track meet
10 year old Benjamin came to me from the backyard saying, "Grandma, those flowers smell amazing..." When I asked him if he'd like me to try and get him a start he smiled and said, "maybe..."
there's nothing quite like the smell of old fashioned cabbage roses, especially rain kissed ones and I will be getting a start for him
#2183 is my Addi 
4 year old Zeke caught rain in a trash can and stomped in puddles
all four showered me with hugs, before and after playing in the rain...that all adds up to very good medicine for my heart


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