IBS screamed and captured my attention.
What is IBS?

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

That is part of the answer to the question of "what is going on with me".

IBS does not cause anxiety.
Anxiety does not cause IBS.
But in my case the two do influence one another.
I was thinking about a possible IBS diagnosis a few weeks ago.
I asked myself
"what in the world would cause IBS in me?"

Upon honest reflection I considered what I have put my body through:
years of
not enough rest
lack of exercise                                                
choked down tears
swallowed stress
unresolved pain
hidden fears
swallowed anger.
Add all that to hormones, or lack thereof,  and I have come to the conclusion that if I were my bowel I would be irritable too:)

I encourage you to do what I have decided to do-
be kind to yourself.
Work hard-but take time to rest.
Exercise your body and your mind.
Cry when you need to.
Acknowledge stress.
Pay attention to your body's aches and pains-
and get help when you need it.
Face your fears.
Admit your anger and resolve it.

Sounds like some of what Jesus taught.
Amazing how the Creator knows just what the created needs.


  1. How could you not read this post after seeing the title?


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