time for a doctor visit?

Our bodies are wonderfully complex-
all interactive.
If one part of our body is injured or out of whack,
the whole body is affected
and it does not work effectively.

I am currently in a state of upheaval.
Several things are going on,
kidney stone,
(passed thankfully);
hormonal changes,
(praying HRT works);
going to a doc to see if there are digestive tract issues.
All of that to say,
I don't know the person living in my skin right now.
My husband, children and friends don't know this person.
At a glance I look like me from the outside,
but if you look in my eyes,
if you spend time talking to me,
it is evident there is something wrong,
this is not me.

I have known "something" was wrong,
but I did not take time to:
listen to my body
examine what was going on
keep track of symptoms.
Until pain forced me to go to the ER 4 weeks ago.

That visit led me to keep a journal of
what I am eating,
my activity,
how my physical body is acting/recting,
what my mental and emotional states are.

I have taken that introspective journal to the two doctors I have seen since the ER visit and will take it when I see a third one next week. Based on the "inventory" I have taken, including general observations of things I have ignored or "explained away" in the past,  they each  have instructions for me to follow. If I follow their advice my chances of regaining good health are much better than the plan I have been following.

Yesterday I was thinking about the body of Christ.
It is wonderfully complex.
It is designed to work together,
to support and protect each part.

What happens when-
one part of it is not well,
one part of it refuses to work as it ought,
one part is facing changes it has no control over,
one part is overwhelmed
one part is overworked
one part rejects another part.

At first glance it may look like the church,
but upon close examination it is evident there is something wrong.

Think about where following our own wisdom,
making excuses,
ignoring sypmtoms,
fighting Him,
not taking the time to listen has gotten us.

Maybe it is time for a visit to the Great Physician.


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