We ain't got much money...
"We ain't got much money,
but we're far from poor.
We got laughter and giggles
and so much more.
We are building our family upon the Lord.
No, we ain't got much money,
but we're far from poor."
This is the Bill and Donnette Family theme song.
Think knee slapping, "hokey", awkward rhythm and you probably have the tune.
Our song was "born" as we were on our way home from one of our favorite family memories-
three days in a cabin with our six kids at Cumberland Lake.
The kids wanted to stop at Mc Donalds to get something to eat.
Frankly, we did not have the money.
I don't remember if one of them asked if we were poor,
I only remember that this is what came out of that conversation
and we sang it on and off as we travelled home.
All six kids are grown now.
The "baby" is getting married in five months.
The three oldest have families of their own.
And the truth is still the same.
We are one of the richest families I know.
(we have added a few since this was taken in April 2010)
"We ain't got much money,
but we're far from poor.
We got laughter and giggles
and so much more.
We are building our family upon the Lord.
No, we ain't got much money,but we're far from poor."
but we're far from poor.
We got laughter and giggles
and so much more.
We are building our family upon the Lord.
No, we ain't got much money,
but we're far from poor."
This is the Bill and Donnette Family theme song.
Think knee slapping, "hokey", awkward rhythm and you probably have the tune.
Our song was "born" as we were on our way home from one of our favorite family memories-
three days in a cabin with our six kids at Cumberland Lake.
The kids wanted to stop at Mc Donalds to get something to eat.
Frankly, we did not have the money.
I don't remember if one of them asked if we were poor,
I only remember that this is what came out of that conversation
and we sang it on and off as we travelled home.
All six kids are grown now.
The "baby" is getting married in five months.
The three oldest have families of their own.
And the truth is still the same.
We are one of the richest families I know.

(we have added a few since this was taken in April 2010)
"We ain't got much money,
but we're far from poor.
We got laughter and giggles
and so much more.
We are building our family upon the Lord.
No, we ain't got much money,but we're far from poor."
Awww Momma D u have an amazing family and so beautiful each one u r the richest people I know BC I feel richer for.being lucky enough to know u all.